Mercedes Is Ready to Release a New Gl Jeep in 2014. According to the Company, The Car Willly Deserv Great Attendation.
The Main Dimensions of the Novelty Will Be: Length of 5120 MM, Width of 1935 MM, 1850 Mm of Height. The Wheelbase Has A Size of 3075 Mm, and the Clerance Or Road Cleell 306 Mm. Noise Insulation of Car Doors is Also Available to You.
The Company Also Took Care of the Choice of Disks and Tires. Different Sizes Are Available. The Standard Wheels are 265 \ 60 R18 and 275 \ 55 R19. FOR MORE EXPENSIVE SETS, Just Go to the SURCHARges, YOU Can Get Wheels At 275 \ 50 R20, 285 \ 45 R21 and EVEN 295 \ 35 R22. The Choice is Simply Shocking, But You Really Have to Pay for it, Because These Alli Wheels from the Famous Mercedes Brand.
Speaking for the Mass of the Car, It FlUntates in the Area of 2450-2500 KG. Again, Depending on the Configuration.
The Novelty Also Took a Lot in the Technical Specifications.
FIRST of All, It is Worth Six Differential Blocking Modes.
One. Auto-Mode.
2. Offasses #1. Sand or Not Strong Off -Road.
3. Offasses # 2. Increases The Cleans and Power at Low Speeds.
Four. Sport.
5. Snow.
6. Trailer or Towing.
UNFORTUNATELY or FORTUNATELY, Mercedes Presented only 1 Diesel Engine to the New Gl Class, But Also Released 3 Gasoline Engines.
Diesel Engine with A Capacy of 258 Liters.With. and the name 350 CDI GIves Acceleration to Hundreds in 7.9 Seconds. And Its Maximum Speed is Limited to 210 KM/H. The Consumption is 7 Liters on the Highway and More than 8 Liters in the City.
The Weakst Gasoline Engine Has a Power of 365 Liters.With. And Name GL 450. ITS Acceleration to Hundreds IS 6.3 Seconds. And the Maximum Speed is Limited to 220 KM/H.
The Second Gasoline Engine Has a Name as a GL500, The Power of Such A Unit Is 435 Liters.With. Acceleration to a Hundred No More than 5.6 Seconds, and the Maximum Speed Increased by 30 Km \ H. T.E. 250 km/h.
And the Third, The Most PowerFul Engine is Gl 63 With A Power of 557 Liters.With. Its Acceleration to a Hundred is Less than 5 Seconds, and the Maximum Speed Has a Limit of 250 KM/H. The Consumption of this Car in A Mixed Cycle is ABOUT 12 LITERS.