Exit to the oncoming lane, what to wait?.

Exit to the oncoming lane, what to wait?

A few months ago, the state traffic inspectorate made a certain New Year’s gift for motorists. The essence, which was as follows: from January 1, the existing punishment was replaced for traveling to the oncoming lane in the form of a driver’s deprivation of a huge fine. This “gift” applies only to those driver who first violated the rules. Drivers immediately had a lot of issues related to assumptions in this rule, because a motorist can make a trip to the oncoming lane for various reasons, and this will not always be considered an offense.

To clarify all the road situations of interest, traffic inspectors prepared a visual aid in which it is clearly explained which one will be considered a violation on the oncoming lane. In the pictures it is painted what is possible, and what can not be done on the road. This illustrated manual will soon appear in all departments of the traffic police. We want to advise all motorists, print such a manual for ourselves and have it always at hand, and in the case of a controversial situation on the road, do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to use it.

The press service of the traffic police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Bashkiria notes that traveling into the oncoming lane has always been one of the most controversial offenses. The updated version of the Administrative Code provides a fine of 5,000 rubles or the deprivation of a driver’s license for a period of 4 to 6 months for the exit on the oncoming lane for the first time.

It is assumed that traffic inspectors should take into account a number of factors that could lead to travel to the oncoming lane and duration of the car on it. If, after paying the fine, the driver will again violate the rules for a year, then he faces deprivation of a driver’s license for a period of one year. Paying attention to the drawings cannot but notice that perfect road conditions are presented on them, and in our time it is far from the case. After all, both the road surface and most importantly the marking on it is not on all roads of Bashkiria.

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