With Long Trips, There Are Situations When Not Serious, But Insidious Car Malfunctions Occur. It is interesting that most of them can be -made by Applying Improvid Means. In Any Case, this Will Help You Get to the Nerest Car Service.
We Move On to Practice
With a sharm decrease in the Brightness of the Glow of the Headlight of the Head Light, Its Necessary to Inspect The Connecting Pluguses. It happens that as a Result of Oxidation, The Voltage in the Lamp Decreases by 1-2 In. Naturally, this reduces the brightness of its glow. In this case, it is read to Clean The Contacts of Oxidations.
ToMetimes there CASS of Loss of the Total Volume Or Part of the Brake Fluid of the Car. And the Distance to the Nerest Maintenance Station Or at Least a Car Shop IS Unknown. In this case, Brake Fluid Canced by Such Substances for a While: Antifreeze, Vodka, Wine. In Extreme Cases, Soap Water Can Be Used. Just Don ‘Forget to Pump The Brake System After the Bay of these Liquids. And Having Reted a Hundred Or Home, You Need To Drain All the Contents of the Brake System and Pour New Brake Liquid.
Domestic Machines Offen Suffer from Failure of the Contacts of the Fuse and Relay in Raw Weather. They Simply Oxidize. To Solve The Problem, You Need to Dimantle The Fee, Clean The Contacts and Open It with “Moville”. As a Result of Such An Operation, Even in Raw Weather, There Will BE No Problems with Contacts.
The Torn Diaphragm of the Gasoline Pump Can Deliver a Lot of Trouble to the Owner. After all, in this case, The Car Cannot Drive Normally, But Simply Twitches. The Solution to the Problem on the Way Can Be Cutting Out of a Temporary Diaphragm of a Multi -Time Packet of Saveral Times. SUCH A SUBSTITUTUTE CAN SERVE A DOZEN TWO KILOMETERS While You Get to a Hundred.
Frequent Insidious Breakdown – Overheating of the Power Unit Due to a Breakdown of the Fan Switch Sensor. In this case, you need to disconnect the wires from the Sensor and Twist them. As a Result, The Fan Will Rotate Without Stoping, Constantly Cooling the Engine.
With Cracks in Various Motor Pipelines, They Can BeMporarily Glood with a adheesive plaster. He Perfectly Sealing Leaks. In Addition, The Adhesive Plaster Canland of Island.
A Burned Fuse, Wen there is no new, can be Temporarily Replaced with a “Bug” Made from Foil from Chocolate.
SO, Small Breakdowns on the Way Can Be Eliminated by Improvid Means. Such Repairs at Least Help You Get to the Next Hundred, Or Maybe Home ..