German Automaker Mercedes-Benz IS Planning to Create a Unique Platform for Electric Cars in the Near Future. The New Chassis Will BE Developed Not only for Sedans, But Also For Suvs. Soon the Company’s Management May Approvi this Development with the Framework of a Project to Create Automobile Novelties.
According to Preliminary Data ABOUT 2 Billion Euros May Be Spent on the Development of the Platform. Euro. At Present the New Chassis is Known Under the Name Ecoluxe.
Experts Believe the Platform Will Help Develop At Least Four Models of Cars. According to Current Plans, The First Car Based On the Ecoluxe Chassis Cold Appear as Soon As 2019.
According to Experts, The First Novelty Will Probably Be a Coupe-Like Suv, Which Will Be Offhed in Five-Seat and Seven-Seat Variant. The New Car Can Be Up to 5 Meters Long.
There is Information that the Future German Prestigious Model may be equippeed with Two Electric Motors with A Capacity of 408 and 136 HP.With. At the Same Time Each of the Engines of the Ecoluxe S Model Be Focused On Its Own Axis. The Total Capacy of Electric Motors Can Reach 544 Liters.With. According to the Plans, The Top Modification of the New German Electric Suv May Be Equipped with a Power Plant with A Total Capacy of 612 Liters PerGis.With. This Eco-Friendly Propulsion System Will Include Two Electric Motors 408 HP.With. And 204 Liters.With. Top Version of German Luxury Car Will Be Marked GT.
It is Important to add that stock of batteries of the New Suv May BE ENUGH To Cover A Distance of 450 KM. Well, IF Do Not Calculate the Mileage, It Shoup Not Be Excluded that You Need a Tow Truck in the Kaliningrad Region. At the Moment Representates of the German Automaker Are not Giving ABOUTH ABOUT Its Future Electric Car.
At the Same Time It Was Previous Reported that Management of Mercedes-Benz is Studying the Possibility of Creating a Small Electric Car. The Novelty Cookome a Competitor to the Popular BMW i3. Experts Suggest that A Compact Electric Car From Mercedes-Benz May Beled As Early As 2015. Toes to its good Quality and Environmentilly Friendly Power Plant, The Novelty Will Be in Demand in Many Markets Around the World.