The Contractor Was Oblight to Rostore The Roadway On the Ufa-Aerport Highway.

The Contractor Was Oblight to Rostore The Roadway On the Ufa-Aerport Highway

Not so long ago, a Press Conference Was Held in Bashinform, Ata President of Bashkortostan Said that Ufa-Aerport Road Receved A Broad Public Response During Constructions. The President of the Republic Suspended the Construction, and The Road Workers Apparently “Forgot” to Put Asphalt 2.5 Kilometers in Front of the City. The Road Was Made by Agreement and Warranty Obligations, TheFore, Without Fail, The Construction Company Will Finish The Road. 1 passed.5 Years and the Contractor Changed the Head.

The Start of Work On a Section of 2.5 Km in Front of the City of the Ufa-Aerport Highway Will Begin on May 12. In this area, as a result of laying low -quality asphalt material and technology violations, The formation of a rut occurred, Despite the Very Recent Work. The Laboratory Control Department CondUCTEDD AUDITIT and Revealed Not Compliance with the Requirements of Gost Asphalt Concrette Mixture. The Contractor Is Oblight to Restore The Road for His Money.

In UFA, The Sphere of Road Farming Organized a Multi-Level System of Stages of Work, Firstly Checking Materials and Mixtures, and Secondly, The Proocedure for Taking Working Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Working Working Working Working Working Working Working Work. Thanks to -such a System, Officials Hope to Put the Republic ’Road Economy in Order. Poor Materials BecAuse of Which Cracks and Potholes Appear after Season, Its Simply Impossible to Allow Repair Work.

The Contractor Who Unscrupulously Completed the Will now Shift The Asphalt Under the Complet Control of Services in Prevent Non -Aobservance of the. In Addition, The Municipality Will Also Put Forward Additional Requirements to the Contractor. SO, the repair of the road be carried out in the event and at night, how the flow of vehicles is lessh. In the daytime, the permitted clack after 11:00 in the Morning, on Sunday after 14:00 p.m. For non -compliance with these norms of the Contractor Will Be Fined.

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