The new Mitsuoka Ryugi car is shown

Japanese automaker Mitsuoka presented its new car in the back of the Ryugi sedan, which is developed on the basis of the Toyota Corolla model. According to experts, the novelty can be attributed to the class of medium sedaches.

The new model in its overall dimensions is located in the line of machines produced by this car concern between the models of Mitsuoka Viewt and Mitsuoka Galue. You can see that Mitsuoka specialists were engaged only in the external design and interior of this car, and the base was the model from Toyota.

It is important to supplement that Mitsuoka is building its business that he buys different units and platforms from such well -known Japanese companies as Toyota and Nissan and collects its own models of machines on the basis of this. At the same time, Mitsuoka experts practically create only body body bodies in their original style. As experts note, this style resembles traditional machines manufactured in the UK.

As for the Mitsuoka Ryugi brand model, it has already begun to be sold in the Japanese automobile market. You may notice that this car is produced both with a hybrid power plant and with a traditional type of engine. As for the traditional type of power unit, a motor with a volume of 1.5 liters and a capacity of 109 liters is used in this capacity.With., which can function either with a variator, or with a manual box.

Mitsuoka Ryugi brand model is produced both in a monotive design and in all -wheel drive version. The hybrid power plant of this model consists of an internal combustion engine with a volume of 1.5 liters and an electric engine. The total power of such a power plant reaches a value of 74 liters.With. An ecological car is produced only in a monotive version and with an electric variator.

As for the price of a new car, the Mitsuoka Ryugi model in the most affordable configuration is sold for an amount of 2 million. 360 thousand. yen, which in terms of about 780 thousand. rubles. And the most expensive equipment of this machine is sold for the amount of 3 million. 110.4 thousand. yen or 1 million. 30 thousand. rubles, but even this price is much cheaper than the price of V60, which is almost 3 million rubles.

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